WELCOME TO OnexHosting

OnexHosting News
20 May 2007
OnexHosting.com Official
Launch Date!

2 May 2007
New domains available:

Support Forum Installed.

30 April 2007

BETA launch.

OnexHosting? - At OnexHosting we provide free webspace for anyone who wants to start their own website. We offer great services such as up to 200mb free hosting with 3gb bandwidth.

Hosting Plans
We currently offer 1 Plan, with lots of upgrades!

Free Plan
We offer a free plan with
200mb Storage
3000mb Bandwidth
Many other fantastic features.

There are also many upgrades available, such as installing various scripts. Wordpress and phpBB can be installed by the click of a button in your user control panel, no messing arround!

High quality websites will recieve some added extras free! (some may even get a free domain name!)

Click Here to view the server stats!

   Why do you offer free hosting?
Why, I hear you ask! Well the answer is simple, i was getting really frustrated with other free hosts who were putting annoying popup adverts on my sites, who wouldnt host my domains, who gave out no extras. Here if you want to get rid of your ads you can for a small fee, if you want to host your domains you can. If your running low on bandwidth it can be increased. For some of the best sites, i will reward your loyalty with free extras such as domains.

Have you got any questions? Visit our support forum where myself or annother admin will be happy to help you out with any problems!

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